High Performance Tracking Software

The software platform is incredibly feature rich, find some of the most common sales questions below, or get in touch to chat more about your requirements.

See our getting started guidecontact us or sign up for a free trial to get started on our WhiteLabel Tracking platform

Less than 30 mins, you have full control to customize the platform yourself.
Simply sign up for a free trial, and load credit to your account to remove the trial message.

There are a few optional steps like adding your smtp email details, SMS provider setup if you want to send SMS alerts/commands, but we’re available to help guide you through the process.

Yes, this is one of our unique selling points, we offer realtime alerts and reporting based on the speed the asset is travelling and the posted road speed limit of the road. From a platform perspective, this feature is very difficult to provide at scale and is why most providers do not offer these realtime alerting & reporting features.

Speeding is one of the biggest causes of vehicle crashes and fatal accidents,

Using a max speed limit of 70mph/110kph is useless when the vehicle is travelling on a 30mph/50kph road.

Using our road speed limit feature you can monitor which drivers are breaking the law and putting others at risk, and this all goes into our driver score algorithm to see which drivers are a problem.

Yes, one of the core principals of our platform is for you to run the system under your own domain name. That way ensuring the white-label aspect of our product.

This is entirely dependant on the configuration of your hardware.

Our web-app updates your screen with the latest data instantly using push technology, we do not refresh our screen every 60 seconds like many providers.

For device config, we usually recommend setting the devices to report as follows:

Ignition or motion is on:
every 30 secs / 500 metres / speed change > 10kph / when angle / heading changes by more than 25 degrees.

Ignition or motion is off: every 1hr.

Please keep in mind the more the device reports, the higher your sim card costs will be.

These can be received in 4 ways:

1. “On-Screen Notifications”  – when you login to the app on your computer, a small popup will show anywhere in the app

2. Email notification

3. SMS notification to your mobile device.

4. Push notifications on your mobile device / computer.

Yes, all account activations include a HTTPS SSL.

Everyone gets access to the WhiteLabel Tracking Premium maps. If you want to use Google maps, an additional cost applies per asset.

We also support other mapping providers such as OSM, Mapbox etc.

We already support the popular SMS gateways such as twilio etc

We can also integrate your desired SMS gateway on request.

We have a long list of providers to choose from, so please check with us on which suppliers are cost effective in your region

Yes you have full control to enter these details on the platform, your customers will get emails from your desired email account.

If you will be sending lots of emails, please consider a bulk email provider like sendgrid, mail gun etc.

Yes, we have a fully documented API, many of our customers have been using this since 2018.

Yes, your admin section has a “sub-resellers” section which gives you full control to create a sub-reseller under your control, you can optionally override your theme, branding and URL so their account looks unique.

The platform runs on 70+ servers, the architecture is designed to run in the cloud, we dont currently offer an on premise version due to expensive 3rd party licence costs, but plan to offer this in the future, you will need a minimum of 5 servers to run the platform when this is available.

Certainly, most of our road map comes from our existing customers, and we have a great working relationship with them. 

If the feature you suggest is on our roadmap/a good idea, and will benefit all our customers we will not charge for this, if the feature is very custom for you, we will charge for this request.
If you can’t wait for the feature to be developed, you can pay a small fee to push it to the top of the list.

Moving asset from another provider can seem daunting, We will hand hold you through this process and support you to make sure its seemless.  We even have a batch import section in the admin screen, simply upload an excel file in the correct format and it will do the rest for you, please get in touch for help.

The application was designed to run in your device’s web browser. This means that the software will be accessible to you regardless of your location, computer, or mobile device. 

If you dont want to use the phone/tablet browser, please see the mobile apps section for more details if you want to access the platform from an app.

Yes, our system is multi-lingual. We already include English, French, Spanish, German, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese etc. If a language is not already on the system it can be added on request, we can send you a translation file for your review before publishing

Any modern browser such as chrome, edge, firefox etc

It is more cost effective to buy your devices/sim cards direct, we can help connect you with the right supplier if needed.

Yes, provided an alert is setup for this and your account has been set to receive an “On-Screen Notification” for it, you will hear a siren alert.

Yes, you have fully control over your branding, please visit the helpdesk, and view the getting started section for instructions

Yes, on our system you can set up location, no-go, keep-in and route zones.
You can also set speed limits in a location zone, and set alerts for when someone is approaching a location zone.

Note: Location zones are usually small zones like office, home etc, and should not be large areas like towns.

Yes our system is very powerful and includes all the featurtes you’d expect to find in a fleet management platform. Including alerts, geo-zones, trip replay and much more.

However, the platform adapts based on the type of asset you select, so static assets, hand held trackers, IoT devices etc will show data relevent to the context.

Yes, our system is definitely suitable for security companies as it includes many security-based features. Including, remote immobilisation, alert notifications and incident report/comment section which has an audit trail.

The platform has been designed to be context aware, and will change  the user interface based on what device type you are viewing.

Whether its a:
Portable tracker –  person, dog, wildlife animal
Static asset – generator, shop drinks fridge, kiosk etc
Vehicle – earth moving, truck, car, motor bike, electic vehicle etc
Movable asset – box, portable traffic light, container etc
IoT device – weather station, energy monitoring, BMS

The system will adapt based on the asset type and display relevent data and information

You can strip down the platform to only show certain features for your users.

Head over the admin section / roles and permissions, and create a custom role, simply tick which items you want to show, and assign the user to this role.

This way the user will only be presented with a relevent set of features, you can optional further strip back the mobile app view for the same user, the desktop view could have more features shown, and the mobile app has less features – this is all within your control.

Some of our customers use custom roles as a way to upsell more features to their clients, and create more revenue.

We bill per reporting asset per month
Invoices are sent on the 1st of each month for the previous months usage.
We do not charge for assets that haven’t reported.
Accounts are disconnected after 14 days of non payment.

There is a small setup cost which includes things like HTTPS certificates etc, you are also required to pre-load credit onto your account.

You are responsible for:

Buying tracking hardware and sim cards
Maintaining sim card costs

Installing hardware into vehicles.
Supporting the end user
SMS gateway costs (set a quota on our platform to stop “bill shock” for your SMS gateway

There is no cost involved, and you have full control to do this yourself.
Visit the help-desk for guides to get started
It takes approx 30 mins.


Support is not an additional cost, you will have full access to our help-desk knowledge base and ticketing system.
Support for your end users will be done by yourselves.

The branded trackers from the bigger hardware companies are more reliable, and have more features,  You can view the full list of supported trackers on our devices page, supported devices changes monthly so always check with support if your tracker isn’t listed.

Teltonika is the most popular brand on our platform, and we are platinum teltonika partners, but you are free to choose any tracker from any manufacturer.

You can find Tracking hardware from as low as $10 USD, however you get what you pay for.
We have noted the following issues on low cost hardware:
Failure rate is a lot higher.
Features are very limited.
Remote trouble shooting is more difficult.
Hardware based odometer readings do not come through
Ignition status is not supported
Lack of GPS Drift supression (you may see 200kph speeds while parked)
Poor quality GPS Chips meaning exact positioning is difficult
Lack of accelerometer (harsh driving events)
Generally your tracking experience will be lower quality on lower quality hardware.

A lot of support request comes from low cost/low quality hardware so please consider the time you will spend troubleshooting low quality hardware before being tempted by the price.

We support over 2000 devices, the chances are we already support your device, if your exact model is not listed but other models are listed please use the port for the manufacturer, i.e. use 12070 for any teltonika model, and contact support to get your exact model added to the list.

You can find all the ports listed on our website under the devices page, and check our helpdesk for details on adding a new device

We can also integrate your device for you if its not supported

We can support virtually any 3rd party sensor providing it is compatible with the GPS tracking hardware and reports its values correctly.

Yes, via iButton, RFID, keypad, finger print etc or manually assign a permanent driver on the software.

Yes, on certain supported models of hardware, when combined with a compatible vehicle (this tends to work better on vehicles above year 2010).

Please be aware that using the OBD II port does not guarantee you will get all the CAN bus parameters  available (i.e. fuel).
In most cases wiring into CAN HIGH and CAN LOW will get more CAN bus parameters than through the OBD II port, please check with your hardware manufacturer first.

Yes, on most models of hardware, get in touch to discuss.

First get in touch and confirm whether the device is in fact supported. It may use the same protocol as a supported device. If not then if you provide test data and the necessary communication protocol then we can carry out the integration of your device.

We have detailed information on our helpdesk for troubleshooting.  Each manufacturer is different, for example sending getinfo or getstatus sms commands to Teltonika devices should return detailed information of the state of the tracker, please get a list of the SMS commands from the manufacturer for troubleshooting and contact support for help diagnosing the issue.  Please ensure the sim card has credit/airtime before contacting support

Commands will need to be sent over the air to point the devices at our server. Adding the device and asset information can be done very quickly through our batch import feature by uploading a .csv file with all the information in the correct format, we can help you with migration to ensure it is a smooth process

Yes, regardless of how the data is sent, via sim card or direct from a satellite, our platform can work with any tracker.

Some of our customers use backup trackers for satellite data when there is no cell tower in range, you can use the “secondary imei” feature in this case so the asset will report its location on 2 different imei’s 
Providing the setup is correct, we will not charge for the secondary imei when it fails over to satellite data mode.

You can track your fleet on your phone in 3 different mobile apps, it is recommended to choose 1 of the following

  1. Gps MonitorPlus – is a free generic branded mobile app on Play/App Store

    Simply download the app and start tracking your assets on your phone

  2. Custom branded mobile app – on play/app store under your Company name.

    Additional costs apply, can take upto 1 month depending on apple approval process

  3. PWA Custom branded app – this app is installed from the browser on the mobile device (not play/app store)

    Same day setup if you have the correct logos/sizes

Yes, our system is definitely suitable for security companies as it includes many security-based features. Including:

  • Remote immobilization
  • Instant position updates through push technology
  • On-screen alert notifications with audible siren and incident report/comment section which includes an audit trail

Yes, our system is very powerful and includes all the features you’d expect to find in a fleet management platform. Including:

  • Harsh behaviour alerts and reports
  • Geo-zones
  • Trip replay
  • Fuel/sensor monitoring
  • Driver ID and much more.

Yes, we have many features including:

  • A powerful crash reconstruction module
  • Powerful driver behaviour reporting

Yes, we have the ability to:

  • Monitor temperature and humidity sensors and create alerts based off violations of your set criteria
  • Generate reports based off temperature and humidity

Yes, when paired with the correct hardware, you have the ability to setup violations criteria based on your requirements including:

  • Notification of potential theft
  • Temperature violations
  • Offsite opening
  • Route deviation, etc.

We have many clients using handheld tracking/spying devices for peace of mind tracking, private investigations, hiking, biking, wildlife, pets, infidelity & court evidence, children, man down, elderly tracking with panic buttons etc.

Yes, we monitor various relevant information including:

  • Engine/working hours
  • Power take off (PTO)
  • Generator usage
  • Fuel level and consumption
  • Unauthorised movement through zone violations,  etc.

Yes, we have a number of clients using the platform for Marine tracking including:

  • Monitoring Charter yacht usage in inland seas
  • High risk areas using satellite data solutions
  • SOS buttons, etc.

Yes, there are many different use cases for IoT and we have integrated many different sensor and data types.

Depending on what data you need to display, we have many different graphs, alerting, and reporting features that will help you monitor your IoT devices

Yes, we have a very powerful and industry leading solution for tracking  BLE Beacons.

These can be very useful for tracking assets without a dedicated power source and the batteries can last up to 10 years.

In 2024, Teltonika commented that the WhiteLabel Tracking platform has the best BLE Beacon solution in the marketplace.

All beacons are treated as first class citizens on the platform and are viewed just like a tracker, giving you the full platform features such as alerts/reports/zones etc.

In many cases a beacon position can be reported by other reseller’s trackers which crowd sources the data on the location of the beacon, with data security as built-in feature, you will see where your beacon is even if it did not connect to one of your trackers.

Yes, we have many customers using this feature and have developed a number of features such as:

  • An AI historical probability report to estimate where the device might be at certain times of the week/time.
  • In the case of stolen vehicle recovery software, we recommend using our powerful BLE Beacon ID integration as a backup to track the asset if the main tracker is removed.